Saturday, 10 November 2012

Useful TIps To Help You Conquer Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, also called piles, affect more people than you would think. While some may find discussing the symptoms and treatment somewhat embarrassing, you may find that the information found in this handpicked selection of tips and tricks takes some of the guesswork out of treating hemorrhoids.

When your hemorrhoids itch, it is sometimes tempting to scratch them. You should not scratch the hemorrhoids because this can tear them open. Opening up the skin when you scratch hemorrhoids can increase the pain you feel, as well as possibly opening you up to infections created by contamination entering your body through the raw skin.

Frequent heavy lifting is a little-known potential cause of hemorrhoids. This physical, muscular strain is similar to the pressure that you exert when you are constipated. If you're having hemorrhoids on a regular basis, you need to consider somehow eliminating all heavy lifting.

Staying hydrated can stop hemorrhoids from appearing and help treat the ones a person already has. Water is key in digestion, leading to easy to pass bowel movements. Existing hemorrhoids can become damaged from hard stools. They can also cause new hemorrhoids to form. Drink at least 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds you weigh to help keep your bowels moving freely and reduce your chances of developing or worsening your hemorrhoids.

Using alternating ice and heat can be the simplest way for you to help your hemorrhoids at home. This will cause the hemorrhoid to shrink and heal. 10 minutes of ice, followed by 20 minutes of moist heat should be directed to the area at least once per day.

Apply a cream, but not too frequently. It may help lessen the pain of hemorrhoids, but may not help with the irritation or swelling. Ask your doctor about how often you should use these creams. Using creams too often could cause pain rather than relief.

Anus exercises are one excellent way to help prevent hemorrhoids. If you do not use these muscle often, the blood flow to them may be restricted. This lowered blood flow can cause hemorrhoids. You should aim to flex your anus's muscles for approximately five minutes every three or four hours. Hold this flex for approximately five seconds before you release it.

Use a cream, but not too often. Creams can take the pain away, but will not do anything for the inflammation and the swelling. Ask your doctor about how often you should use these creams. Avoid further pain and damage by limiting the use of these creams.

Lifting heavy items can cause hemorrhoids. Lifting heavy items puts your body under similar stress to the stress of trying to have a bowel movement when your stool is too hard. If your hemorrhoids are causing you problems on a regular basis you need to avoid doing any heavy lifting.

Anything fibrous like whole grains, fruits and veggies, nuts, seeds, and cereals, can help reduce the incidence of hemorrhoids when incorporated into your diet. If you have a more rounded diet, your situation can be more comfortable too.

As silly as it may sound, a portable cushion could be a helpful tool to overcome hemorrhoid pain. You might feel awkward using it while at work, but when you're at home or just riding around in the car, this method can help decrease a lot of the pain you feel, which will make your life much easier for you.

Smaller hemorrhoids can be manually relocated. This is not for someone who has a weak stomach, but you can push hemorrhoids into your anus with gentle motions and a lot of care. This is a good idea because they will be safer inside the body, which means less bleeding and irritation.

Although hemorrhoids are the most likely culprit, it is wise to see your physician for verification. Blood in the stool or bleeding from the rectum can point to more serious causes, such as colon cancer. Going to have it checked out will ease your anxiety about what might be wrong. If you do have hemorrhoids, then your doctor can prescribe to you the best treatment for you to proceed with.

If you think that you may have a hemorrhoid, schedule an appointment to see your doctor. Sometimes its hard to tell the exact difference between polyps and hemorrhoids, and this can create panic for you. Going to your doctor will have the problem solved faster.

Eating whole grains such as whole wheat bread can improve your digestion, which helps reduce hemorrhoids. It may lessen the redness and skin irritation. The next time you prepare a sandwich, eschew the white bread and use whole wheat instead.

Avoid reliance upon laxatives to alleviate constipation when your hemorrhoids are inflamed. Those products can only help with one movement, and do not address the root of the problem. If you are having trouble with bowel movements, consider making diet changes to even things out.

Witch hazel is very helpful if you are afflicted with hemorrhoids. This astringent can be picked up at many pharmacies and stores in your area. Use a small amount on the affected area. The witch hazel will reduce the irritation and swelling as well as prevent bleeding.

Sit in a lukewarm bath while raising your knees. This helps the water calm your hemorrhoids and relieves their pain, irritation, and inflammation. When the water's only a little warm, more blood will flow to the submerged areas, providing pain relief and swelling reduction. Use this method as frequently as you want, and you'll find relief soon.

If you wish to reduce your pain from hemorrhoids, don't eat foods that will cause gas. Passing gas can strain the rectum and cause hemorrhoid inflammation. If you eat foods that cause gas, you will experience discomfort.

If your stool contains blood, do not be alarmed, as it is common for hemorrhoids to bleed. You should, however, take positive steps to relieve the irritation by increasing the fiber in your diet to help promote heathy bowel movements. You may also try a stool softener. Firmer stools are rubbing up against the hemorrhoid too directly and are causing bleeding.

Natural remedies offer great relief from hemorrhoid pain and help you to save money. A sitz bath is particularly beneficial after a bowel movement. Hemorrhoids can be quite itchy, but you want to avoid scratching because this will just aggravate the area more. One alternative to scratching is using a pad with a bit of witch hazel, apply this to the area to get some relief from the hemorrhoid itch. You can also reduce irritation by eating plenty of fiber, and drinking plenty of water. This will make it easier for you to avoid straining during your bowel movements.

Stop hemorrhoid irritation and pain by using ice. Hemorrhoids can cause severe pain. Take an ice pack and apply it to the inflamed area in order to reduce the amount of swelling and minimize the pain. Try alternating with warm compress to ice pack. Alternating between an ice pack and a warm bath will relieve your inflammation and pain to make you feel more comfortable.

The information in this article will help to keep you informed, and more able to find relief from the pain and irritation or hemorrhoids. There's no better way to treat hemorrhoids than prevention. The advice and guidance in this piece, taken together with the help of professionals, should help you steer clear of hemorrhoid issues.

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