Sunday, 26 August 2012

Hemorrhoids: How To Take Care Of Them

Although hemorrhoids are not often the topic of general conversations, many people, including some you know, suffer from this very painful and inhibiting condition. To effectively deal with hemorrhoids, whether internal or external, take advantage of the useful tips that have been provided in the following article.

People who strain excessively while trying to have a bowel movement are more likely to develop hemorrhoids. To help make your stools pass easier, drink more water and eat less refined foods. Squatting without unnecessary strain can help pass bowel movements. When sitting down on the toilet, use a stool underneath your feet. Hemorrhoids are actually less common in parts of the world in which people squat to eliminate fecal matter.

Frequent heavy lifting is a little-known potential cause of hemorrhoids. This physical, muscular strain is similar to the pressure that you exert when you are constipated. If you're having hemorrhoids on a regular basis, you need to consider somehow eliminating all heavy lifting.

Consume a lot of high fiber foods. If you eat a good deal of fiber, you will have softer stools. When the stools are soft, they are easier to pass without straining. This prevents pain and other discomfort. You can keep your stool softer by eating plenty of high fiber foods, such as fruit or by taking fiber supplements.

Consider using an enema to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Begin by boiling two cups of water, then steeping two sliced garlic cloves in the water for half an hour. Let the mixture cool to room temperature, and use it as you would any enema preparation, which is one time per day.

The application of ice and then heat is a simple and easy home remedy for hemorrhoids. By switching from ice then to heat applications, the hemorrhoid will reduce in size and can begin to heal. You should start with ice, applied for about 10 minutes per day, then switch to a moist heat, which you should leave on for around 20 minutes.

Ice is effective in relieving hemorrhoid pain. Hemorrhoids can result in extreme pain. If you apply an ice pack on the area, it will relieve some of the swelling and offer some pain relief. Alternating cool treatments with warm ones provides maximum relief. A very effective approach, in fact, is the use of a warm bath alternated with cold compresses or ice packs.

Hemorrhoids can be irritated by scented products containing perfumes or dyes, so avoid these if at all possible. Exposing these tissues can cause painful stinging and more forceful itching and swelling sensations.

If you believe hemorrhoids have come out of the body, attempt to gently press them back inside. Always be sure that the hand you do this with is completely clean, since you don't want bacteria of your hands to spread and worsen your hemorrhoids. If you have experienced an emerging hemorrhoid and, at least temporarily, pushed it back inside, it is important that you immediately consult with your doctor.

A great way to minimize inflammation is a simple mixture of water and powdered myrrh; this also helps to alleviate some of the pain. Combine one teaspoon of water along with one teaspoon of powdered myrrh to make a paste. Put this paste to the hemorrhoids, letting it sit for about 30 minutes. Powdered myrrh is available in the medicine section of your local drug store.

Pain from hemorrhoids can be reduced by using an enema. Bring two cups of water to a boil, remove from heat, and then add 2 diced cloves of garlic. Allow to steep for 30 minutes. After cooling completely to room temperature, it can be used as a daily enema.

Carrying a cushion around with you may make you a little self conscious, but it will provide relief from hemorrhoids. It may draw a bit much attention at work, but in other places, such as at home or in the car, it may be just what you need to make your life less painful.

You can prevent hemorrhoid pain from getting worse, by eating more foods rich in fiber. Add foods with lots of fiber to your diet. These include green, leafy vegetables and whole grains. The fiber will soften your stools, decreasing the strain that causes hemorrhoids.

Grab a big, ripe, red tomato from the garden and place slices on your inflamed hemorrhoids. Since tomatoes contain a mild acid, applying slices of the produce to your swollen hemorrhoids is an effective method to reduce swelling. When used along with a good diet and other treatments, using tomatoes can help keep your hemorrhoids under control for a long time.

Even though your hemorrhoids itch, you should resist scratching them. If you scratch, you may get an infection or cause other problems for yourself. If you need to, you should use a wet cloth to dab that area and also cleanse it. The feeling of itchiness may be from not having the area clean, so by dabbing a wet cloth on the area will cleanse it and also relieve some itching.

Switching to a high fiber diet is among the most effective methods to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids. Include foods that are high in fiber like whole grain breads and pastas, oatmeal and leafy green vegetables. Fiber encourages bowel movement and reduces the strain that often leads to hemorrhoids.

Witch hazel is very helpful if you are afflicted with hemorrhoids. This astringent can be picked up at many pharmacies and stores in your area. Use a small amount on the affected area. The witch hazel will reduce the irritation and swelling as well as prevent bleeding.

Drink a lot of water. Few tips are as effective and affordable as this one! Staying hydrated is important, because constipation is a cause of hemorrhoids. This is also a good way to remove toxins from your body. You should strive to drink a minimum of 10 glasses of water per day.

Go around the block a few times before going to the bathroom if you think you are constipated. The physical activity of walking stimulates your body and may make it easier to have a bowel movement. It may help you avoid any unnecessary straining, which can make hemorrhoids worse or irritated. Walk for ten to fifteen minutes as briskly as you can.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, experts recommend a sitz bath to accompany each occurence of bowel movements. This will help soothe the irritation that remains afterwards. When finished with your bath, ensure that you pat the anal area until it's dry instead of rubbing it.

When external hemorrhoids emerge, see if you are able to press them back from whence they came. Avoid bacteria and inflamed tissues by cleansing your hands thoroughly. If the area is still unnaturally swollen, you should consult a physician for further guidance. However, a small amount of swelling is to be expected.

Stop hemorrhoid irritation and pain by using ice. Hemorrhoids can cause severe pain. Take an ice pack and apply it to the inflamed area in order to reduce the amount of swelling and minimize the pain. Try alternating with warm compress to ice pack. Alternating between an ice pack and a warm bath will relieve your inflammation and pain to make you feel more comfortable.

No matter which type of hemorrhoid you have, the odds are great that you're seeking some relief. Hemorrhoids on the outside of your anus hurt more and will require plenty of treatment and ways to keep them away. If you use the information contained here, you will be on the road to finding some relief from your hemorrhoid symptoms.

1 comment:

  1. Stop hemorrhoid irritation and pain by using ice cách chữa mụn cóc nhanh nhất

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